Let’s be real with ourselves, we’ve messed up and put on a few too many pounds. It’s fine, it happens, we are not going to dwell on it. We are instead going to come up with a solid plan of action to solve this issue, permanently.
You’ve probably tried in the past, lost some weight, but through life and all its trials and tribulations, put it back on. Again, that’s fine, but it ends here.
You owe it to your family, friends, and most importantly, yourself to be the best version of you that you can be.
Well, you’re here, I’m here, let’s get an actionable plan in place.
First things first, throw out your fridge, throw out your pantry, and get rid of your “secret stash” in your bedside table drawer.
Out of sight, out of mind. Weight loss happens in the kitchen, so we need a hard reset.
Don’t even worry about putting together a grocery list, I’m going to give you one right now:
Chicken Breast
Lean Beef
Egg Whites
Jasmine Rice
Cottage Cheese
Greek Yogurt
Nothing extra, no sauces except for 0 calorie sauces, no drinks except of zero calorie drinks, and for the love of god no snacks—you are no longer entitled to “cheat” treats.
You will also drink 4-6 L of water per day—hydration is a crucial factor in weight loss.
For your diet you will take your bodyweight (in pounds) X 10-12 and that will be your daily caloric goal. If you decide to go paid, I have a calorie calculator on my website: you will choose the “sedentary” activity and subtract 500-1000 calories from your calculated number.
You will eat 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight—if you are over 50lbs overweight you will eat your estimated lean body mass in pounds per day.
You will eat 3-4 meals a day, splitting your protein intake up evenly between meals. You will have 50% of your carbs around your workout: before and after. Fat will be spread evenly as well throughout your meals.
You will buy a food scale and weigh your food—raw—and track your calories.
If you have higher blood sugar you will eat less than 100g of carbs a day, and you will eat these carbs around your workout window. (Note, if diabetic, consult your doctor—this advice is for those on the higher end of normal).
You will get yearly blood work done at a minimum. Try to shoot for 2 times a year. This will paint the picture you need to keep going and show you what you need to improve.
Everyday you will wake up, and go for a 15-20 minute walk. You will do this for 2 reasons: early morning sun exposure and increase caloric expenditure.
Throughout the day you will take 3 more 10-20 minute walks. This will be a total of 60-80 minutes of walking—at the average walking pace this will put you around 5-6 miles and around 10,000 steps. You will do this everyday.
3 Days a Week you will be going to the gym. Don’t worry about a program because I’m giving you one:
Monday you will do the following: Workout A
3 Sets of 6-9 Incline Chest Press
3 Sets of 6-9 Shoulder Press
3 Set of 6-9 Close Grip Bench
3 Sets of 6-9 Lat Pulldown or Chin-Ups
3 Sets of 6-9 Bent Over Row
2 Sets of 15-20 Squat or Leg Press
2 Sets of 15-20 Leg Curl
2 Sets of 15-20 Leg Extension
2 Sets of 15-20 Calf Raises
Wednesday you will do the following: Workout B
3 Sets of 6-9 Squat or Leg Press
3 Sets of 6-9 Leg Extensions
3 Sets of 6-9 Leg Curls
3 Sets of 6-9 Calf Raises
2 Sets of 15-20 Incline Chest Press
2 Sets of 15-20 Shoulder Press
2 Sets of 15-20 Close Grip Bench
2 Sets of 15-20 Lat Pulldowns (will be impressed if you can do chin-ups in this range)
2 Sets of 15-20 Bent Over Row
Friday you will do the following: Workout A
3 Sets of 6-9 Incline Chest Press
3 Sets of 6-9 Shoulder Press
3 Set of 6-9 Close Grip Bench
3 Sets of 6-9 Lat Pulldown or Chin-Ups
3 Sets of 6-9 Bent Over Row
2 Sets of 15-20 Squat or Leg Press
2 Sets of 15-20 Leg Curl
2 Sets of 15-20 Leg Extension
2 Sets of 15-20 Calf Raises
All sets will be done until you are near failure or reach failure. Failure is defined as you cannot do another rep with good form.
You will take 3-5 minutes rest in between sets and attack each with the most controlled intensity you can bring.
Please to not mess this part up! The following week you will do Workout B on Monday, Workout A on Wednesday, and Workout B on Friday. You will then rotate between the ABA—BAB every week. This is so simple… please don’t message me to clarify or you’re NGMI.
You will run this program for 8-12 weeks, then you will take a week off.
Then you will use the programs and information from my paid Substack to further your fitness progress.
This Saturday, I will be posting a whole Full-Body Program on the Paid Substack, from set-up, exercise selection, example plan, deloads, and recovery protocols.
This is absolutely perfect for those who are busy or newer to the gym.
This is the most science-based, optimal program you will find online, and I can GUARANTEE you will see results if you follow the program and stay consistent.
I expect a message in 12 weeks saying “Ox, I did it, I followed this advice and lost a ton of fat and feel better than ever”.
Until then, start now and get to work!
Your friend,
- BowTiedOx
This is not Legal, Medical, or Financial advice. Please consult a medical professional before starting any workout program, diet plan, or supplement protocol. These are opinions from a Cartoon Ox.
started this program less than a month ago after not doin shit my whole life. I've never felt better. I added PSMF about two weeks ago and im about to be down 20lbs hopefully in the next few days. I'm feeling stronger and losing weight after being a fat fuck my whole life. Ox is the fucking truth and I just wish I started sooner. Stay based 🙏🏽
>bodyweight x 10-12
In lbs or kg?