Nice post, good info in there... wonder what your thoughts are on explosive movement as warmups then as cool downs to release and reset fascia? I've tried it a few times when injured and it seems to heal niggling injuries after just a few sessions... Was a research based decision to try this based on a Men's Health Magazine article from 10 years ago.. Thanks for all the info always.
1) Approaching 10% BF around 13% right now. I am obvi in deficit. When I switch to 100-300 cals surplus, do I switch to it immediately? So from like ~2400 cals (deficit) to ~3100 (surplus) once I make the decision or do I ease into the surplus over the course of days?
2) For the protein goal thats 1g/lb, in surplus, am I targeting "goal weight" as the grams of protein or "current" weight? Or doesn't matter as long as I am getting correct cals in? In my deficit I am doing starting weight due to it being a higher number and the thermal effect of protein so it helps with the cals. Learned this all from you thx man
This is unrelated to the post, but do you know if there is a bowtied runner account?
Nice post, good info in there... wonder what your thoughts are on explosive movement as warmups then as cool downs to release and reset fascia? I've tried it a few times when injured and it seems to heal niggling injuries after just a few sessions... Was a research based decision to try this based on a Men's Health Magazine article from 10 years ago.. Thanks for all the info always.
Thx for the dedication bro.
1) Approaching 10% BF around 13% right now. I am obvi in deficit. When I switch to 100-300 cals surplus, do I switch to it immediately? So from like ~2400 cals (deficit) to ~3100 (surplus) once I make the decision or do I ease into the surplus over the course of days?
2) For the protein goal thats 1g/lb, in surplus, am I targeting "goal weight" as the grams of protein or "current" weight? Or doesn't matter as long as I am getting correct cals in? In my deficit I am doing starting weight due to it being a higher number and the thermal effect of protein so it helps with the cals. Learned this all from you thx man