To stimulant or not to stimulant? e.g Coffee/Caffeine

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022Author

1.) I love caffeine as a tool when I need a "stroke of genius" or need a pick-me-up before the gym. I limit to 600mg a day and not everyday.

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And 600mg for you is I guess 1.5 large coffees?

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I only do 300mg max per dose, but 300mg is like 3 cups of coffee.

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Thanks for your answer Bow. I am off coffee now, has been counterproductive for me.

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Never been a fan of going off completely, it's an extremely useful tool

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Any tips to make your waist smaller ? Or workouts

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022Author

2.) So losing fat is the only *real* way to do this. Your bone structure will greatly determine waist size. Vacuums can help give the illusion of a smaller waist by keeping your waist "tighter"

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What would be an example routine for bodyweight only cardio? (i.e. exercise type, duration, and rest, HIIT or LISS)?

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3.) You have so many options: Running, brisk walks, sprints, etc.

For HIIT keep sessions around 15 minutes, for LISS 20-60 minutes. I have a post about cardio on the substack

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Dope, I'll go back and check it out. Thanks Ox

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You can't really go wrong with a brisk walk for 20-40 minutes. Easy on the body and very effective. Try to get HR into zone 2

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Thoughts/tips on keeping muscle when you have a baby and will have limited time and less sleep than normal for at least a few months?

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4.) I have a post called time saving workouts, these are 20-30 minutes. If no gym, some bodyweight work will help maintain muscle mass. As for the sleep, get it in when you can and nap if you get the chance.

Ultimately it's just a few months and won't set you back too bad.

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Ox. Regarding the two set technique, its ok to do only one exercise per muscle? For example preacher curl for biceps and you are done

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5.) It is enough, but if only doing arms once or twice a week you might need a tad more volume for better muscle growth. If only 1 exercise you better be working like your life depends on it.

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Great, thanks!

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I've gone a lot more minimalist with my supplements. Maca never seemed to do a lot for me, whereas TRT and tadalafil absolutely is noticeable. Maybe a supplements post at some point of what you recommend that isn't total BS?

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5.) So noticable and effective are 2 very different things. You might not *notice* the effects, but your blood work will reflect it is working.

How would you kinda like to see this post structure and I'll write it?

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I got on Citrus Bergamot after you mentioned it and my LDL dumped 12 points in a month. It wasn't even that high in the first place.

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What's the current level? Was this a good or bad thing haha?

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

Don't have it in front of me, but it helped. I was in low 120s, down from even higher in early 2020, but adding CB brought me further down to 10X. I get work done monthly to monitor an autoimmune issue.

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Any tips for training with scoliosis? In particular, curious about exercises to do/ avoid. Appreciate for all you do, man! You’ve been a tremendous positive influence in my life.

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6.) I have limited to zero experience working with people with spinal issues, tbh I'm not the best resource on this question and if I were to give you a half-ass answer it would just be a google search (you deserve better than that)

BowTiedBengal is a physical therapist and will be able to help you A LOT more than I could.

Wish I had a better answer for you man, really do

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No worries brotha! Appreciate the honesty

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If bulking should the amount of protein I eat be equal to my target weight or my current weight

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7.) More protein is never going to be a bad thing, do you *need* it, probably not, but some research shows that more protein (greater than 1g per pound) is even more beneficial.

Worst case scenario you eat more healthy protein products and feel better.

If it's tough to get your total calories because of it, I would just eat 1g per pound of current weight

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And with regards to bulking again, if I hit my protein macros before reaching the total, is it okay to eat more fats to fill out that gap even if I go over my fat macro?

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I don't understand this question

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If I hit my protein macros before my total calories, would it matter what I fill the remainder with you reach my total calories? I hope that was clear

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What supplements do u currently take daily?

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8.) 3g fish oil

500mg IP6 Inositol

81mg baby aspirin

2000-4000fu Nattokinase

10g creatine

200mg CoQ10

500mg curcumin

600mg ashwagandha

1000mg citrus bergamot

500mg astragalus

2g NAC

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As a newbie, how important is cardio relative to lifting in attempting a body recomp?

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9.) So in terms of recomp, I mean that's largely diet and the new stimulus as a newbie.

Cardio will help as it will simply help you get in better shape and be in better health. It's a good habit to get into. Potentially could help expedite fat loss, but greatly diet dependent.

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Are banded leg curls or leg extensions beneficial for growth? I don't have access to machines

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10.) Of course, as long as they challenge the muscle enough and provide stimulus it'll help, but I would not make them the only leg exercises I did

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I have a shoulder labrum issue and a lot of pain with some movements. Do you know much about peptides (TB-500 etc) or how to fix this without surgery?

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11.) TB500 and BPC157 are incredible. To fix without surgery? Out of my scope of knowledge, suggest reaching out to BowTiedBengal as he's a PT. Labrum issues are no joke so for sure address this ASAP

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Good alternative for adductors as part of 3 day U/L program? New gym doesn’t have this machine

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12.) Just skip it and do/add split squats and work wider stances on leg press/hacks/etc

Not a make or break movement, just helps overall leg development a lot

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How can I fix my shoulder impingement and adjust my workouts so I can still maintain my PPL routine?

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Interested in tips on connective tissue recovery from workout injury. You lifted too much. You had poor form. As a result, your joint/lig/tendon is injured. I'm learning of debate around the RICE protocol, something I thought was solid. What are your recommendations on getting lifting injuries back to fitness ASAP.

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022Author

13.) Blood flow is the best thing for injuries.

RICE is trash and even the creator of the method says "don't do this" now.

Ideally you get a rehab program from a PT and progressively work on the injured area.

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Creating the perfect meal plan has been a great challenge. How do you create a meal plan taking into consideration your workout?

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16.) Apologize but not sure I understand this question.

You simply get your calories for the day and disperse them between how many meals you plan on eating and preferred timing. I have a few post on meal plans/diet

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at your advice I did blood work and I’m surprised at my testosterone. I lift consistently, 33 years old, 6 foot, 200 pounds and decent muscle mass but my testosterone came in at 442 with free t at 90 and bioavailable at 205. I also did it about 3 weeks out from testing positive form covid so not sure if that’s an issue but any suggestions to improve?

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17.) Yes it could, but tbh this is the number I'm seeing across the board for 30ish year old guys, levels are just low nowadays.

I have a post on naturally increasing levels that will be very beneficial to you.

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Would you recommend trying trt?

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Currently 25 and ~275lbs at 6’1 and have been lifting for ~10+ years total (not super fat but not super lean either). Thinking about competing at some point, should I aim for Classic Physique or Bodybuilding?

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18.) I would have to see what you look like, your shape, insertions, look, etc. TBH it sounds like you're way over the classic weight limit

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Do you have any recommended stretching/mobility routines?

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19.) I have a post on mobility.

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Elbow tendinitis killing my heavy squats. What adjustments can I make ?

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20.) Elbow tendonitis on squats? Adjustments would be addressing the tendinitis before it gets worse.

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Potentially seeking TRT for mid 20’s male with sub 400 test levels thats 5x per week in the gym, with a reasonable diet, and regular sex life. If I was unable to receive treatment, what would be the next best measures of naturally increasing testosterone levels?

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21.) At sub 400 you should not be turned down, as long as you're over 25 years old, Primebody will accept you without a doubt.

I have a post on naturally increasing testosterone

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I’m a basketball player, and typically train bball skills 1-1.5 hrs about 3-4x a week. My overall goal is increasing my vertical/athleticism and have been on a powerlifting program for about the last year and half working mostly in the 1-6 rep. Would it be more beneficial to work in the 8-20 rep range like you recommend, ex. doing power cleans or squats/deadlifts to failure? Or should I stick with what I have since I’m already doing a lot of work on the bball court? Thanks a lot Ox

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25.) So for sports specific training you want to be training the movement patterns you need for that sport, power cleans to failure is a bad idea lol. But you are going to want to work power, force production, speed, etc.

Your training is going to be much more specific if basketball is your goal. But working movements in the 8-20 range will absolutely help, just have to choose the correct movements.

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022Author

Need to address this before I go on. Fixing injuries is not my specialty. A physical therapist is who you're looking for. I know enough to be dangerous, but I'm just going to refer you to a PT

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NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. BowTiedBengal has been pretty helpful: https://twitter.com/BowTied_Bengal and https://3firstnames.substack.com/

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What is the difference between your maintenance calorie counter and the others online? With your my maintenance is 2800 and others online it’s 2100.

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14.) Because it's making the assumption your training with intensity. How tall and how much do you weigh? 2100 for maintenance is extremely low. Most online calculators estimate calories way too low, I go off one of the most trusted formulas (there's like 6 different formulas)

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I weigh 185 and I’m 5 11. 28 years old. I do little to no training but am starting one of your programs tomorrow. Your skinny fat post hit home.

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2100 is insanely low for maintenance, 2800 sounds right. Enjoy brother and congrats on making this first step, it's going to be a very dramatic and awesome period.

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Any experience with exertion headaches? I've recently had some pulsing headaches appear while doing intense compound movements. Will be getting my dome scanned soon if this continues.

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15.) Once and it was because I was taking zinc without copper so I had become nearly anemic. Very very hard for me to dial in what it could be without more details tbh.

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I take 50mg of Zinc Picolinate every day. Is this bad? Do I need to take Zinc with Copper in it?

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I take zinc and do not take copper, but my hemoglobin and RBC levels are within range so I don't think that is the issue. Thanks

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Started TRT and I'm experiencing water retention that I'm not used to. I try and stay pretty lean. Any advice? Would it make sense to stack with 90 days of Semaglutide?

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22.) If having water retention then your e2 is too high. Dandelion root works to help reduce water retention, astragalus as well. Be sure your e2 is in range though, that's almost certainly what's causing it

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My wife is a few weeks away from giving birth and I’m anticipating decreased training volume and sleep over next few months. How would you modify a PPL program (training 4x weekly) to minimize muscle/strength/progress loss over this period?

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23.) Congrats first of all! I would switch to either a 3 day upper/lower program or even a 2 day Full-Body. You will maintain all mass and even still make progress.

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congrats, homie!

had the exact same question...wife is expecting twins, and i've already got a 3 year old and a 22-month old....yikes.

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a lot of energy in the house, that's good. i only have a 2 year old running around right now. congrats! and good luck!

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For Bicep Preacher I was reading that you shouldn't go all the way to the bottom (eg. arm fully straight) in which helps avoid injury. Also this keeps the shorthand muscle engaged more. Is that accurate?

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24.) You should go to full extension/ROM, I've never heard of this before

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What can someone expect from a 1:1 consultation with you?

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26.) Answer any and all questions, go through your goals, experience, gym equipment, etc., then you get a plan tailored to your specific training needs. Also you we will go over your diet needs based on goal and get macros + meal plan to make this happen. Then go over things like cardio, supplements, and everything else.

With this you get the suggestions on how to make adjustments and progressions and anything else. Essentially after you have every single tool to "coach yourself" from that point.

I'm doing it this way because it's a better deal than coaching. 99% of the time with coaching the plan goes well and you pay $250 a month for me to say "good work, keep it up"

All follow-up consultations are then only $100, if you need it, and likely you *might* need 1 or 2 if ever again.

All-in-all just a better deal

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I keep waking up in the middle of the night starving and needing to use the bathroom. Any tips to avoid that?

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40.) Well this could be multiple things.

1. Move your calories later in the day, have a larger meal at night

2. How steep is your caloric deficit? You could simply be eating too little.

3. No idea if you're referring to shitting or pissing, but if the latter, don't drink any liquids 60-90 minutes before bed.

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How do you track calories when eating out? Having a hard time estimating sizes of portions and ingredients on MyFitnessPal and way out every meal

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27.) I mean unless you're eating something crazy, you can find the macros online. I say online, not MFP (MFP is the WORST tracking app) because if I go to a restaurant and order say carne asada tacos, I can google "(restaurant name) carne asada tacos nutrition info" and 90% of the time get the exact answer.

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How often do you recommend changing your workout programing to keep the muscle stimulus novel, and what do you plan on switching to after your current program of 2 working sets to failure? (Ex. increasing volume, adjusting rep count, swapping out exercises)

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28.) I will NEVER switch from my 2 working set scheme it will work for as long as I'm still lifting. I simply progress until a movement stalls then I swap out for a new movement.

"Novel stimulus" is simply as easy as adding 2.5lbs. I just work all movements in the 6-20 range and get stronger. The muscle needs nothing more than this to grow.

Sometimes use things like drop sets, rest pause, assisted reps, etc. for more intensity, but novel stimulus + adaptive response = muscle growth

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Hi Ox - probably a bit left field, but do you have any tips on eating faster? I am finding that eating an increased volume of food (such as meats / vegetables) takes a lot of time during the course of each day. Thanks!

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29.) Go to RASP or Ranger School haha, but use a bigger spoon or fork, and if you're using a fork, use a spoon. But you don't want to eat too fast, it can fuck up your digestive system

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Thanks Ox! Doubt I'll make it Ranger School haha, but will try changing the utensil type

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How do I estimate my body fat percentage?

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30.) Right now you could go find a "body fat percentage graphic" on google and estimate, I suggest this method more than anything. If want to actually know, which I don't think serves a real purpose, a DEXA scan.

I have a post that has a bodyfat percentage graphic, definitely look for it because it'll force you to read every post, read every post and you'll be top 1% in fitness knowledge

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How do you keep the bench from moving during dumbbell hip thrust?

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33.) Ensure your positioned well on the bench, I've NEVER had this issue, top of your back should be on, but you should not be doing any horizontal pushing on the bench. If it's an issue use dumbbells on the other side of the bench to keep it in place

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Having a hell of a time adding weight to squats, my gym only has a smith machine any tips to help out ?

also 6’3 with a huge torso of that is relevant

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hi Ox,

What app do you recommend for tracking your progress jn the gym?

How would you structure a sprint workout session?

Thanks for your great work!

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Use Rep Count or Strong

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Ox Any general recommendations on keeping cholesterol levels low? Blood work identified slight above average levels. Also if you can share insight on what major items to avoid, that would be great. That way can tackle obvious things first

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So for lipids we have a few options. Obviously exercise and being a healthy weight is the most important. Some genetically have higher levels, @bowtiedloon is a doctor that specializes in lipids and he is more than happy to talk to people about it.

As for naturally lowering it, citrus bergamot is a miracle supplement, pair that with fish/krill oil and you will be an improvement.

Dietwise, focus on eating healthy fats, especially fish and fiber.

Niacin and red yeast rice extract can help improve levels as well.

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Are you still doing the 1 on 1 coaching? How do we sign up?

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022Author

31.) https://bowtiedox.com/1-on-1-coaching/

Note I'm not doing coaching, I'm doing consultations then giving custom training/meal/supplements/whatever else you want plan.

The plan will work for 16-24 weeks and save you $600-900 vs how I've been doing it

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

Have had terrible IBS for years that made it very hard to hard to get sufficient protein as I didn’t digest any protein shakes. Truenutrition.com has customizable ingredients. What would be the best, easiest to digest, low FODMAP protein shake for someone with IBS? Rice? Hemp? Collagen? Any ingredients to add or any to avoid? Guessing any artificial sweeteners should be avoided.

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Totally new to gyms going off your full body plan. Have read your post encouraging 2 sets, but your full body plan says to go for 3 sets for legs on leg day for example. Sticking to machines to learn form. Stick with 3 sets like the full body plan recommends? Is there something as a total novice I should emphasize or avoid? Many thanks

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32.) That is simply because a beginner is likely not going to know how to workout with the intensity to make the 2 sets enough volume, so we have another set to ensure we get enough volume. I would suggest using barbells to develop the motor skills and movement patterns of those movements, otherwise you're setting yourself up for failure as you progress.

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Thanks. As a data point for you, your "if you don't lift, you're an NPC" Twitter post pushed me over the edge to start after several years of weak desire. Had the "don't know what to do" weak barrier as an excuse. No more. Thank you.

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Is it effective to alternate between different “A” and “B” workouts from previous months for push, pull, and legs?

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34.) Not sure what you're asking here. I suggest rotating A and B every workout. If I have 2 push sessions a week, one on Monday and one on Thursday, then I'm doing Push A on Monday and Push B on Thursday

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I take Nordic naturals fish oil and pure encapsulations magnesium glycinate, and wonder if these fuck up my stomach. Are these normal reactions to these supplements?

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36.) Potentially from the fish oil, are you taking it with food or anything? Need more info

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I take the liquid, half teaspoon, and I usually take with food

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Ox, I know you recommend beginners use your upper/lower program. At what point would you consider switching to PPL or something more advanced? Is it a time thing like “two years of lifting” or is it something you just kinda know because of plauteau-ing when you stay on a beginner program long enough? Thank you.

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37.) It's a mix of both, it's likely going to be a few years and then it'll be a moment of "I'm not progressing and no longer feel challenged" even then you might never even have the need to move on.

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I was super small coming out of high school (150 lbs at 6’2”). I got into lifting more in college and finally got even more serious after college. After being in a caloric surplus and making incredible (by my standards) strength gains I’m sitting at almost 210 lbs (roughly 15-16% bf). Should I consider a cut at this point, should I try to keep building muscle while eating near maintenance or should I keep the train moving and keep eating in a surplus? Really loving the sub stack btw!

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38.) You should 100% cut. You're already at the upper end of where you want to be body fat wise, and eating near maintenance is largely just going to waste your time.

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Most effective way to lose fat - looking for exercise volume and type in particular bonus if you can also answer on preference towards fasting, OMAD, several small meals?

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35.) The most effective way is a caloric deficit-it's legitimately that simply.

Fat loss is simply the law of thermodynamics, did you burn more calories than you ate.

As long as you eat adequate protein, it doesn't matter if you do keto, high carb, OMAD, 12 meals a day, anything, doesn't matter.

A caloric deficit is a caloric deficit, shoot for a 500 calorie deficit as this will cause you to lose 1lbs of fat a week.

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I get sick during winter after specifically doing cardio. The day after, I get body pain, cold, and then running nose. Just common cold stuff. Happened thrice in last 1.5 months. This is after I started getting serious about training. Have been going to gym regularly for 4 months now.

I was diagnosed as having primary complex during childhood. But haven't had a problem since then (age 35) around that.. I do get common cold once in a while.

Is it simply due to poor immunity? If so how can I boost it? I'm taking whey and eggs regularly, so definitely my protein intake is much more than what it used to be before.

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39.) I have absolutely no way to tell you what's going on to be honest. This sounds like something if it keeps happening you should definitely talk to your doctor about.

For immunity, zinc, vitamin d, quercetin, vitamin c, and spirulina are going to be your best bets.

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Diagnosed with an auto-inflammatory condition 2 years ago leading to hair loss. Any opinions on how to best reverse this or mitigate inflammation in the body?

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This is just outside of my scope of knowledge, I don't have a good answer. My hair is falling out and I'm just letting it ride and eventually be a bald jacked dude

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

~~Can you pinpoint or recommend any secific supps that might mesh well with my current stack? (I.e. Citrus Bergamot, etc.)

~~Currently take in the morning:

5g creatine

6g Inositol

Jarrow K-Right

Jarrow Ubiquinol 200mg


NAC 600mg

Boron 9-12mg

Tongkat Ali 400mg

~~Currently take @ Night time/post workout:

Tongkat Ali 400mg

Ashwaghandha 1600mg

~~Before bed:

Transparent labs ZMO

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100% dependent on your bloodwork and what deficiencies you might have. I wouldn't take CB if I didn't have any lipid issues, I take it for TRT, I wouldn't take it otherwise

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What ard your thought on portative saunas? (Less heat than real sauna, still better than nothing?)

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I'm going to be honest, I have no idea what that is

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It’s like a small tent, your head pops out, the inside is heating to make you sweat (a bit less hot than a real sauna but it works), fighters use it for cuttings

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