Haha, while I'm reading this I have a fresh, hot cup of coffee on my desk :)

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What a synchronicity...

This entire week I've had a near mental breakdown because of how exhausted I am from caffeine abuse.

Every time I try and quit I can barely get out of bed and my work suffers greatly...

It's a terribly toxic cycle.

Thanks Ox!

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Thanks Ox.

Is the above guidelines dose-dependent?

For example--if my caffeine use is one cup of coffee a day (80-100mg) should I still treat it like you describe to keep myself fresh?

👍 thx

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Just in time for my caffeine reduction program.

Love this content!!

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Hey great post, thank you. I was wondering what benefits you noticed after not using caffeine habitually for a while? For me I feel a lot better rested in the morning

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