Good article Ox. Some more interesting reading on this subject that I've come across over the years is Body By Science from John Little and Doug McGuff. They took the principles learned from training with Mike Mentzer (who you mentioned) which are chronicled in his book High Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way and tried to apply the scientific research available to explain how it works. They get into the whole debate of machines vs barbells vs dumb bells and conclude it doesn't matter if you train properly to failure. They actually have this high affinity for the old nautilus machines which had the correct cams for hitting the muscle properly all throughout the contraction. I don't think those machines are made anymore as nautilus has been swallowed up by some bigger conglomerate and the innovator of their design is dead and gone.

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McGuff, like a lot of his work

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Do you feel your Whoop recovery score is fairly accurate?

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It's based on heart rate data, so somewhat yes. I have a post on this

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