Jan 21, 2022Liked by BowTiedOx

Thanks Ox, been working through the balance of recovery with running and PPL. Nice to see an example that shows I was on the right track(wasn’t running on leg day or after).

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Excellent post.

Any reasons why excessive running affects sleep? I’ve noticed it too, but it’s unpredictable. Sometimes I run hard and sleep well, other times I toss and turn a lot and “run in my sleep.”

I’ve done a lot of running ~200 lbs, 5K to marathon, injury free.

I’m happy to offer any advice for big guys who want to run more.

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Great post. Try Cross-country skiing. There are two forms: skate skiing and classical. Your weight is like mine stick to Fischer or Atomic.

Thanks for the discount code. Got the book, everything looks delicious but nothing is available in the grocery store today (bare shelves since our Prime minister is not letting in unvaccinated US truckers on top of all the supply chain issues.)

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Great read. Was doing fifty miles a week for two years. Cut back to thirty a week starting this year. Feel fresher during my runs. Just did a sub ten minute mile with no extra push.

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Great post - Have been fitting running into the PPL program and had some trouble with the thought process. No longer after this post!

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Great Post! I just bought your book. Thanks for the amazing content.

2 questions:

1) Do you recommend any app for weight lifting and result tracking?

2) Could you please post how a sprint workout could look like? Maybe even a post on cardio.

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Of course I’m gonna buy the book I like supporting ppl who put the work in and aren’t bs with information glad I came across someone like you ty ty ty

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Would you consider high-volume sprinting (mainly 100M, 200M and 400M work) to be dangerous for knees and ankles in the long term? As a former professional athlete, 2-3 track workouts per week was my go-to to stay in shape when I was competing...but not really necessary anymore. I'd love to continue working out like this forever but I'm also worried about the impact on my knees, which are already beaten down at 27 years old.

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Appreciate the messaging here. At the start, it's not about what's optimal but rather just doing something and finding a way to make it sustainable for you. From there, you can build...

If you're not a competitive runner, and not just concerned with physique but lifespan too, the focus shouldn't be on running but on engaging in some form of low intensity (Zone 2) aerobic exercise. Dr. Peter Attia recommends 2 hours per week to start, but ideally 3-4 hours per week (https://peterattiamd.com/ama12/).

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Yeah running is hard on the joints, I'm more of a jump rope and swimming guy. Another excellent post!

--Bowtied Gracie

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Ox - the cookbook with octopod isn’t for sale anymore. Why is that?

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